Early Childhood
(3-6 years)

Research has shown that the 90 percent of a child’s brain development occurs in the first 5 years of life. Every sight, every smell, every sound sets the foundation for a lifetime of learning. Through our Montessori TEEAMS Curriculum, children in our Primary classroom are provided opportunities to interact with a learning-rich environment, thus setting a solid foundation- rich vocabulary, reading skills, math skills- for further education.
What makes us different from traditional preschools and daycares?
- Multi-age grouping of children ages 3 to 6 years – This three year, mixed-age grouping gives children the unique opportunity to succeed in a miniature community where mutual respect, sharing, caring, and self-reliance can thrive. Older children serve as mentors and role models for the younger ones. They reinforce their own knowledge and self-confidence by teaching and mentoring children younger than themselves.
- Meticulously prepared environment – The Montessori teacher carefully prepares a learning environment that supports a child’s natural curiosity, encourages creativity, and aids in cooperative learning. In the class, materials, equipment, and tasks are carefully chosen to do just that. Young children are taught individually and in small groups.
- Individualized curriculum – Each child is free to choose any work she or he is introduced to from the different areas of the classroom. Each child has the freedom to observe, explore, and interact with the inviting and colorful materials in the classroom, thereby acquiring knowledge through play. Children are allowed to learn at their own pace.
- Support of the “Whole Child” – Students are engaged in lessons from a variety of subject areas, including Life Skills, Sensory Stimulation, Math, Language, Science, Geography, Art, Spanish, Music and Physical Education. In addition to cognitive skills, children in our Primary classroom build social skills, self-help skills and emotional intelligence.