The Benefits of Infant Massage

Ten perfect fingers and toes, two eyes lovingly looking at you – a new baby is a miracle of life! After birth the delicate dance between parent and baby infant massageensues; sharing love, back and forth, each lovingly responding to the other, forming undulating bond and lasting attachments.

For human babies to thrive and develop touch communication is extremely essential. Touch is our most powerful sense and the first one to develop. When babies are massaged from birth, they enjoy the experience and like to be touched. Nurturing touch is shown to enhance social and emotional development, as well as develop trust between the baby, the caregivers and the world around them.

Infant massage is prevalent in many cultures and is slowly gaining acceptance in the U.S. In today’s environment with both working parents, it is great tool for bonding; it not only relaxes the baby but is also therapeutic for the parent.

Research has shown that Infant Massage benefits babies and parents:

  • Relaxes baby and helps reduce stress for parent and baby
  • Relieves discomfort from constipation, gas, and colic
  • Helps baby sleep
  • Stimulates brain development and improves sensory awareness
  • Promotes bonding and attachment by forming everlasting bonds
  • Babies who are loved, cuddled, stroked and massaged generally form healthy relationships with their caregivers and grow up to be stable trusting adults.
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